Automated UT

Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) has begun to surpass traditional radiography as the preferred approach for pipeline weld inspection around the globe. Significant limitations exist in radiography, including inadequate detection of planar faults, lack of vertical scaling capability, safety and environmental concerns.

AUT comprises various techniques and technologies, such as phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), rapid ultrasonic gridding (RUG), time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD), and pulse echo weld inspection, but not restricted to these.


  • No radiation hazard, no chemicals, no licensing.
  • Very short inspection cycle time for high production rate.
  • Better detection and sizing accuracy, leading to lower rejection rate.
  • Use of Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) acceptance criteria with measurement of vertical height and depth of indications, reducing rejection rate
  • Real-time analysis from smart output display
  • Data and inspection reports on electronic support
  • Better control of welding process, also giving lower rejection rate

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